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What are the motives of the Assad regime and his allies in sizing real property and lands in Deir Ezzor?

What are the motives of the Assad regime and his allies in sizing real property and lands in Deir Ezzor?

Introduction Over the past few years, the term ‘demographic change’ has been associated with the Assad regime and Iranian militias in Syria, on account of the steps taken by the regime and Iran in appropriating the properties of people who have been displaced from their cities and lands. Myriad pieces …

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The Iranian militias operating in Deir Ezzor.. their members.. commanders.. their tasks and affiliations

The Iranian militias operating in Deir Ezzor.. their members.. commanders.. their tasks and affiliations

NAHER MEDIA Introduction Since Iran entered Syria militarily, it has focused its attention on the easternmost region, Deir Ezzor, that marginalised .province since Assad the father until his son’s reignIran had been making preparations and preparing its militias to capture Deir Ezzor, which happened in the last quarter of 2017 …

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Iran’s Projects of Demographic Change and Cultural Identity Change in Deir Ezzour

"دوار السكرية" المدخل الغربي لمدينة البوكمال، والذي أطلقت عليه المليشيات الايرانية مسمى "قدس" بعدسة مراسل نهر ميديا

NAHER MEDIA – INVESTIGATIVE REPORT Since the 1980s, during the Iranian Revolution (Khomeini Revolution), Syria has been a target of the new Iranian project, because of its advantages in terms of strategic geographical location and the historical and political position of Damascus in the Middle East. There were almost no …

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